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Yearly Obligations

In order to be recognized as an active MADmember, it is essential to fulfill the following yearly obligations. These requirements are designed to ensure active participation and contribution to the community. Please review the obligations below and make sure you meet all obligations by the end of each calendar year. 


"Living a life of clarity in the mind that indicates (shows) personal beliefs that benefit oneself and others."


Attend 5 MADmeetings Per Year


January: MADgoal Meeting for Women (Hosted by Hashondra) 

February: Makeover MADness (Hosted by Hashondra)

March: Growing in Your Thinking (Hosted by Angel)  

May: Let It Go (Finding Comfort with Your Past)  (Hosted by Hashondra)

July: MADiversary (Hosted by the MAD Board)

August: MADmoney Moves (Hosted by Felisha)  

September: Spiritual Growth (Hosted by Yvette)  

November: MADlove (Hosted by Angel) 


Attend 1 Community Event Per Year 


April: MADlife Family Expo (Hosted by Deborah)  

June: Community Open Mic (Hosted by Hashondra / Co Host Latoria

October: MAD About Domestic Violence  (Hosted by Hashondra)

December: The Well Woman - MADhealth Women's Experience (Hosted by Angel)  


Attending additional community events beyond the required counts as a MADmeeting. Participating in the October: MAD About Domestic Violence Film also counts as a Community Event. 


COMMUNITY THANKS GOAL Provide selected recipient(s) with a MADmug

Document services provided

Photo | Media Announcement


About Community Thanks:

You will be giving a MADmug provided by MAD to express gratitude to a deserving recipient, as well as additional gifts (optional). Only one MADmug per month is provided. Capture the moment with a photo of the recipient for a shout-out on our social media platforms; videos are also encouraged. If you wish to contribute to the focus area in any additional way, we welcome your ideas. The 501(c)(3) document is available for any donation needs.


Community Thanks Protocol 


Please submit your nomination by the 25th for the Community Thanks area for that particular month. For instance, nominations for March should be posted by February 25th. 


In the designated spaces app under the Community Thanks Blog Post, include the nominee's name and a few brief sentences explaining why they deserve recognition with the Community Thanks MADmug. 


Yvette Frazier will select the final winner, and the results will be shared at the end of the month in the Community Thanks Blog Post. Details about the pick-up time and location for the MADmug will also be provided and can be revised as needed. 


If you want to contribute further to your Community Thanks area, you're encouraged to share or act on your ideas or purchase an additional MADmug. The 501(c)(3) document is available for MAD Members interested in receiving donations on behalf of “Community Thanks”. 


Please click here to access the Community Thanks Chat, where you can find important deadlines and information regarding member participation. 


Point of Contact: Yvette Frazier 


Free Ticket to all MADmeetings 

Active MAD members will have their November  trip fully covered if they pay or fundraise $100 per year

$10 One-On-One Life Consulting with DONT OVER THINK ME LLC

Customized Planning Assistance 

Internal Discounts 

Access to Networking Connections 

Use of 501c3 for outreach on personal projects

Use of MADhouse 

Scholarships per quarter (pending available funding)​

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